Best Viewed at 1024 x 768 / High Color (16 Bit) Resolution.

First things first : Since things can become rather chaotic when using other settings, I have made it quite obvious that this site is best viewed with 1024 x 768 screen resolution and 16 Bit, High Colors... Its not like I make it easy for you to forget, huh? I also use the Arial font throughout my site, so I highly recommend that you get it if you don't have it already. I cannot be certain of the quality of the site presented or any particular order if any other settings or custom fonts are used in your browser. Keep that in mind! 

Basic operating instructions : I am an enthusiastic amateur graphic designer and I have been known to spend more time on a single button or header image than most people would spend on an entire page. Thus, I tend to use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) page designers to produce my layouts. I prefer doing it this way at the moment because I have more of an eye for layout and design than scripting and implementation. If my margins are way off or tables never seem to meet, please email me to report the bug.

This pane is a help console which offers you all the basic information about this site and sections within it right up front, so you don't have to mess with annoying help boxes or little tidbits of information sprinkled throughout pages.

The pane to the right contains my news and events. This is where I post updates and relevant events in my life. It is turning into more of a blog than a news section so things may have to be rearranged. I haven't decided.

The lowdown : Wondering what those nifty, formatted text links go to? Look no further. To make sure all visitors have no trouble navigating my site, I have listed the origin and purpose of the major sections you will want to know about:

images - It is rare that I hang on to any digital graphics I create. I am very picky about what looks good and I rarely meet my own expectations it seems. However, friends and colleagues insist that my images are indeed desktop worthy and suggested putting up my own special place for them here. You will find my original works and even the stuff I used for practice with tutorials. I am beginning to delve into animation and 3D artwork, yet most of the skill I require still eludes me. To say the least, few of my experiments with Lightwave, Rhino or even Flash will make it on here. I have used Photoshop since version 4.0 and it continues to be the program I have the greatest skill with.

writing - Before any of my experience with graphic design, I have been a writer. I grew up with a stutter and learned to use the written word instead of the spoken as my voice. Like my digital work, I rarely keep anything I write for very long as I seem to write when inspired and the piece loses its appeal when not in the mood it was written for. Due to the popularity of the few pieces I have distributed and constant insisting from friends and family, you will be able to find my writing right here.

contact - Want to drop me a line or report a bug? Click right here.

missing - I created this section in case any of you want to know more about the person who created all of this... me. If for some reason you are curious about me, check this section out for my pic, bio and even a resume (You know, just in case).

links - This is where I provide links to my favorite web sites. Very much an expression of myself, you will find links to sites with regard to causes, information, science, poetry, philosophy and utility. Check it out.

friends - Self-explanatory. Go here to check out the websites of some of my partners in crime.

about - Random information about my site, my software, tools and projects.
The Great Divide: Linux and GUI
Posted on
3:44am, Tue Jun 24
When I heard the announcment that the new version of Internet Explorer
will not allow updates since the development of the technology has ground
to a halt, I decided it was high time to get something else. My logical
choice was open-source and thus I met Mozilla. When working with
Frontpage on this site, I found that it would garble my source and insert
jibberish wherever I had put an underscore like in an image filename.
After noticing that Mozilla includes Composer, I immediately switched the
site over to it. From what I can see, there are no issues other than a
differance in interface with tables. Movin' on up......


Interfaces with.... flair?

Posted on 5:14am, Sun Jun 22
Today I played around with tutorials for creating buttons and interfaces. I spent about an hour and a half working through several ideas but none of them looked quite right. I decided to just give it a shot and try to make something that fit with the rest of the motif. Within five minutes I had the design you now see to the right. I figured the original work would probably fit in a lot easier than using a template. I was right. I am hoping this design will stick and the pixilated text blur isn't too much overkill for one page. Send me your thoughts.


Minor Puzzles...
Posted on 2:37am, Sat Jun 21
I am more than dissatisfied with the site links on the right. I want something besides simple text. I despise underlined text with a passion, so I must come up with an idea to replace it. I am rapidly coming to the decision that creating a vertical button column is the only way to go. I would like to use transparencies to get some nifty edges on the buttons... and some textures.


Site Layout: Proceeding in ice ages?
Posted on 4:24am, Mon Jun 20
It would seem as though I am making progress on the site, yet there is still much left to do. I have spent most of the night and parts of the morning making banners and welcome screens, trying to come up with something satisfactory. I rather like the page title image I came up with. It is simple and somewhat stylish with the combination of background and text effects. I picked up the text effect from a tutorial, I forget where. The background, I managed to come up with myself. I duplicated the picture, hit Radial Blur set to zoom at 35, selected Overlay as layerstyle and set the clean background to about 75% opacity. Then used elliptical marquee to feather and blur the edges.

The time consuming parts are always the little things like making margins tighter, coordinating cell shades across tables and configuring text to fit in them. I am having trouble finding friends links and link buttons to go with them. Please help me out, if you can!



 Version 3.08.04













All Images and Content Copyright 2003 Christopher Beisler